‘’Kidnapping Will Take Another Dimension’’- Primate Ayodele’s 2024 Prophecies Fulfilled - The Gallant News


Friday 19 January 2024

‘’Kidnapping Will Take Another Dimension’’- Primate Ayodele’s 2024 Prophecies Fulfilled

"Kidnapping Will Take Another Dimension’’- Primate Ayodele’s 2024 Prophecies Fulfilled

Kidnapping has always been a recurring misfortune in Nigeria but it has never gotten to a stage where it happens almost every day and in high places.

The rate of kidnapping in Nigeria at the moment since 2024 began is more than alarming. It is gradually becoming the order of the day in places and locations that could never be imagined.

Indeed, Kidnapping has taken another dimension in Nigeria and this is in commemoration of Primate Ayodele’s 2024 prophecies which he shared with the public on Friday, 22nd Of December, 2023 at his Church headquarters in Lagos.

In his 90-page 2024 prophecies, Primate Ayodele warned the security agencies in Nigeria about insecurity and clearly stated that Kidnapping would take a new dimension. He went as far as making it known that some powerful people will be kidnapped including a commissioner and an aide in a governor’s convoy.

These were his words:

“Kidnap: I foresee that a Commissioner and an aide in a Governor’s convoy will be kidnapped. The spirit of God says kidnapping will take another dimension. Let us pray for all governors in Nigeria that none of them will be bedridden.’’ (https://dailypost.ng/2023/12/24/2024-i-foresee-presidents-assassination-govs-death-attempted-takeover-of-tinubu-govt-primate-ayodele/)

Presently in Nigeria, there has been no day without someone getting kidnapped especially in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja which is supposed to be the most secure place in the country.

Just a few days ago, a family of six were kidnapped and took the intervention of a former minister of communications who influenced the payment of N60 Million ransom to secure the release of the kidnap victims.

Earlier this morning, Kidnappers invaded an army estate in Abuja and abducted a popular businesswoman despite the presence of armed men.

A source revealed that kidnappers had targeted the victim’s husband but missed him.

The source said, “Yesterday at about 9 pm, some kidnappers entered this estate and kidnapped a woman at the Hilltop Extension. The target was the husband but they couldn’t get him as he was not around, but as the woman was driving into her compound, they got her.’’

In Zamfara a few days ago, four family members were abducted with a ransom of N100 Million requested in order to secure their release.

Still this week, 9 passengers were kidnapped in Benue but were luckily rescued by Nigerian troops. Likewise, 10 people were abducted in Abuja during the week and while money to secure their release was being sought for, the kidnappers killed three of 10 victims and increased ransom to N700 Million. It got to a point where Nigerians started crowdfunding in order to get the money.

There are several confirmed kidnap reports that have happened this week alone. Some are still in custody of their abductors while some have been rescued by the Nigerian army. News reports have it that the police arrested a kidnapper yesterday while going to a hideout with his victim in Abuja. It’s indeed a very new dimension for kidnappers in Nigeria, as Primate Ayodele foretold.

Primate Ayodele in his usual manner shares prophecies for a new year before the end of the preceding year in order to make people know what they are about to face and give them enough time for preparation. Most of his prophecies start coming to pass even before the year ends and immediately the new year begins, these prophecies get fulfilled at a very high rate. It has always been like that every year and 2024 isn’t an exception at all.

Still in his 2024 prophecies, he mentioned that there will be some unpleasant happenings within the first 150 days across the world. He mentioned explosions, killings, insecurity and other things that will happen within the first 150 days of 2024 and recommended prayers to avert evil.

‘’2024, I foresee that the first 150days from the beginning of the year will not be palatable for all. I foresee killings, bombings, explosions, demolitions, so many people crying, accidents and fire outbreaks. The spirit of God says we must commit everything into the hands of God for divine mercy’’

One cannot but agree that since 2024 began, it’s been wailing from different angles with the latest being an explosion that claimed five lives and is still counting in Ibadan, Oyo State capital.

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