Airtel Africa and Mastercard launch new digital payment solution for Airtel Money customers - The Gallant News


Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Airtel Africa and Mastercard launch new digital payment solution for Airtel Money customers

Airtel Africa and Mastercard launch new digital payment solution for Airtel Money customers

The Airtel Money Global PayCard powered by Mastercard offers customers seamless access to global e-commerce with enhanced payment security

Kampala, Uganda - 4 March 2025: Airtel Mobile Commerce BV, a subsidiary of Airtel Africa PLC, is thrilled to announce the launch of the Airtel Money Global PayCard, a new payment solutiondesigned to connect Airtel Money customers across Africa with global online marketplaces.

This collaboration with Mastercard will empower Airtel’s 150 million mobile phone users in 14 AfricancountrieswithaccesstoMastercard’sglobalmerchantnetwork,enablingsaferandmore secure international transactions.

The Airtel Money GlobalPay Card is a virtual (non-plastic) payment solution that links directly to Airtel Money wallets. This card can be used for a wide range of payments across global online merchants,includingmajorplatformssuchasFacebook,Netflix,Uber,Amazon,Google,AliExpress, and Alibaba.

Userswillalsohavetheabilitytomakepaymentsfortravelbookings,utilities,subscriptions,and purchase goods from international suppliers—all from the convenience of their mobile phones.

ForAirtelMoneycustomers,activatingtheAirtelMoneyGlobalPayCardissimple. Customerssimply need opt-in for the card, load it from Airtel Money wallet, and start shopping. No additional documentation, registration, or installations are required.

With this payment solution, Airtel and Mastercard aim to meet the growing demand for digital paymentsinAfricaandsupportsmallbusinessesincross-bordertrade.Thepartnershipalignswith Airtel Africa's goal of enhancing financial inclusion by providing efficient and seamless payment solutions to mobile money users across the continent.


enhancethecustomerexperience.ByaddingMastercard’ssecurevirtualpaymentsolutiontoAirtel Money,wearemakingInternationalpaymentssimplerandmoreaccessibleforourcustomers.This collaboration allows us to offer a global e-commerce experience.”


supportingfinancialinclusioneffortsinAfrica.TheinitiativealignswithMastercard’scommitment to bring one billion people,50 million small businesses, and 25 million women entrepreneurs into the digital economy by 2025.

Senior Vice President for Digital Partnerships at Mastercard Middle East and Africa, Muhammad Nana, stated: “Our digital partnerships strategy focuses on enabling the digital transformationofourpartners,helpingthemprovidetheircustomerswithaccesstoaseamless globalpaymentecosystem.Withover150millionAirtelAfricaconsumersnowconnectedtothe global digital economy, we are helping more consumers access the benefits of e-commerce.”

With increasing mobile internet access and the growth of affordable smartphones, African consumersarepoisedtotakefulladvantageofthisnewsolution.TheAirtelMoneyGlobalPayCard


empowersusers—bothbankedandunbanked—toshopglobally,connectingthemtodigital products and services right from their mobile phones.




OptinfortheAirtelMoneyGlobalPayCardpoweredbyMastercard andacceptthetermsand conditions










About Airtel Africa

Airtel Africa is a leading provider of telecommunications and mobile money services, with operations in 14 countries across sub-Saharan Africa. Airtel Africa’s integrated offer provides national and international mobile voice and data services as well as mobile money services to over 156millioncustomers.Thecompany’sstrategyisfocusedondeliveringagreatcustomerexperience across the entire footprint and increasing digital and financial inclusion to transform lives across Africa, in line with our corporate purpose.


About Mastercard

Mastercardisaglobalpaymentstechnologycompanycommittedtodeliveringinnovationanddriving financialinclusionaroundtheworld.Mastercardishelpingconnectpeopletothedigitaleconomywith secure, fast, and easy payment solutions.

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